Top 10 sectors that fail to report data breaches revealed

By |2024-05-24T11:34:57+00:00May 24th, 2024|

As we ‘celebrate’ the 6th birthday of GDPR a new study finds that over half of all data breaches in the UK in 2023 were not reported within the required 72-hour window. The report from Hayes Connor revealed the sectors with the worst track record. These were: Local Government: 51.32% General Business: 49.16% Marketing: 47.50% Justice: 47.06% Regulators: 46.81% Membership Associations: 46.67% Online Technology and Telecoms: 45.37% Media: 45.16% Central Government: 44.57% Retail and Manufacture: 43.94% Failing to report a breach within this timeframe can result in significant fines of up to £17.5 million or 4% of global turnover, whichever is higher. However, in practice, most firms receive minimal penalties. A key finding of the research is that in the [...]

Unlock the Power of Precision with The Software Bureau’s Data Cleansing Solutions

By |2024-05-21T10:10:00+00:00May 21st, 2024|

Maintaining accurate and up-to-date customer contact information is not just a necessity—it’s a competitive advantage. The Software Bureau’s data cleansing solutions stand at the forefront of this essential service, hosting a staggering 450 million records, the most extensive collection in the industry. This vast database, combined with our robust software, ensures your business can operate with the highest level of data integrity and efficiency. Comprehensive Data Coverage Our data sets encompass a wide range of essential updates, including home mover relocations, goneaways, and deceased records. These data sets are sourced from industry-leading providers such as Royal Mail, Experian, Sagacity, MiExact, The Ark, Shine CK, and DBS Data. This extensive and diverse array of sources guarantees that our clients receive the [...]

Think direct mail is too expensive? Think again

By |2024-05-15T05:31:13+00:00May 14th, 2024|

At the recent Ultimate Direct Mail workshop Lauren Mason, marketing director of Live Unlimited and Ro & Zo showcased the power of direct mail and smashed the perception held by some marketers that it is too expensive to add into the marketing mix. Talking about her first experiences of direct mail this year, Mason found that acquiring customers through direct mail was more affordable than digital methods. She was surprised to discover that not only did it drive higher retention rates but that it also boosted LTV (lifetime value) and AOV (average order value). This indicates that Live Unlimited and Ro & Zo customers acquired via direct mail are likely to stay longer and spend more, providing a solid and [...]

Response rates, ROI, AOV and CPA of DM revealed!

By |2024-05-08T18:04:18+00:00May 8th, 2024|

The latest JICMAIL Response Tracker insights reveal that DM is still very much a marketing channel that achieves results…. Warm direct mail—mail shots sent to existing customers—command on average an 8% response rate. This level of engagement is not only on par with but often exceeds the effectiveness of other media channels. Warm direct mail's success, particularly notable in sectors like medical where it reaches a whopping 26%% response rate, underscores its potential in targeted communications. This method proves especially effective in maintaining and enhancing customer loyalty, offering personalised content that resonates well with the audience. The high response rates are indicative of the trust and rapport that brands have built over time with their existing customer base. Cold Direct [...]

We are Leading with Innovation: Shaping the Future of Data Hygiene

By |2024-05-03T07:45:54+00:00May 3rd, 2024|

The winds of change are blowing a gale around data regulation. We’ve potentially got two key pieces of incoming legislation that will make a difference to how businesses source, store and use their data. The first is the EU AI Act (which although not directly applicable to the UK is likely to form the framework for a UK specific act) , and the second is the UK GDPR - Data Protection, Digital Information (DPDI) Act. Adapting to New Regulations You can find out more about both acts here: and here: When these new regulations come into force, businesses face the dual challenge of compliance and optimisation. The EU AI Act is set to impose stringent requirements on AI [...]

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