The latest quarterly results from JICMAIL reveal another surge in the effectiveness of mail marketing in Q1 2024.

The research finds that six percent of all mail types prompted a purchase, two percent higher than the same period in 2023. This increase underscores the growing impact of mail in driving consumer actions, with 46% of these purchases fulfilled online and 32% in-store, reflecting the omnichannel nature of mail.

Increasing Mail Interaction and Attention

Direct Mail, Door Drops, and Partially Addressed Mail saw a year-on-year increase in interaction frequency, resulting in more ad impressions in Q1 2024 compared to the previous year. Mail’s attention efficiency stands out, with Direct Mail garnering 134 seconds of attention per piece across household members over 28 days, and Door Drops achieving 55 seconds. This efficiency surpasses that of social and digital display ads, with the cost per minute of attention for ABC1 Adults being £0.11 for Direct Mail and £0.07 for Door Drops.

Consumer Retention of Mail

The volume of mail being filed away in homes reached a three-year high in Q1 2024. About 20% of mail, including financial statements, notifications, and special offers, is actively retained by consumers, highlighting a critical opportunity for marketers to capitalise on the physical retention of marketing messages in the home.

Political Messages and Upcoming Elections

With the election looming, the importance of mail in delivering political messages has been underscored. JICMAIL’s data shows a 59% increase in attention to political Direct Mail, with 11% of political Door Drops sparking household discussions.



For a detailed breakdown of the Q1 2024 results, you can download the full report here.

However, effective mail campaigns hinge on the quality of the underlying data. Data hygiene—the process of ensuring your data is clean, accurate, and up to date—is paramount in maximising the power of the mail. Accurate data ensures that mail reaches the intended recipients, reduces waste from undeliverable mail, and enhances personalisation efforts, which are crucial for engagement. Poor data quality can lead to misdirected or undelivered mail, diminishing the return on investment and potentially harming brand reputation. Maintaining robust data hygiene practices allows marketers to leverage precise targeting, driving higher response rates and ensuring that every piece of mail contributes effectively to campaign goals. As the Q1 2024 results demonstrate, mail’s impact is significant when supported by high-quality data, underscoring the adage that direct mail is only as good as the data behind it.

For further information about how we can help you supercharge your next mail campaign – get in touch!