About Martin

Martin Rides has 35 years’ experience in the world of Data & Direct Mail. He has worked across many areas of the industry including agencies, mail production and data bureaux. After 9 years running a specialist Direct Mail consulting practice, Martin returned to The Software Bureau as Managing Director in 2015.

Are we any closer to UK data protection laws?

By |2024-02-27T07:30:25+00:00February 27th, 2024|

Ummmm – in a word, no…. Last week Secretary of State Michelle Donelan brought the Data Protection and Digital Information (DPDI) Bill back into the House of Commons to secure an extension. Its expiration has now been extended by 280 days, setting a new deadline of December 12, 2024. This extension was critical; without it, the bill faced lapsing on March 8, 12 months after its initial presentation. Following a second reading before Christmas, the DPDI Bill will now make its way through the House of Lords. However, the timeframe for this phase remains a subject of much speculation among political and data circles – particularly with an election looming. One of the more formidable tasks confronting the Lords is [...]

Print – the comeback kid!

By |2024-02-19T05:45:21+00:00February 19th, 2024|

In a time where the digital realm dominates our daily lives, print is making a strong come-back A new report from Sopro reveals that consumers are increasingly favouring print over digital, particularly for marketing communications. This is highlighted by a significant decline in the effectiveness of email-only campaigns and a doubled preference for postal communications among consumers over the past year. The study, which analysed over 75.2 million emails and gathered insights from more than 350 sales and marketing professionals, found a 22% drop in the success rates of email-only activities in 2023 compared to the previous year. That said, the majority of shoppers (67%) still welcome email contact, but it suggests that its impact is waning. Conversely, the preference [...]

The Curious Case of AI-Generated Data Hacking: A Cautionary Tale

By |2024-02-05T09:30:28+00:00February 5th, 2024|

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, a bizarre new trend has emerged, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. Picture this: a hacking forum on a quiet Sunday, buzzing with the advertisement of a stolen data cache from Europcar. The claim? Over 48 million customers' personal information up for sale. The twist? The data might just be a figment of artificial intelligence's imagination, specifically conjured up by ChatGPT. Europcar's response was swift, with spokesperson Vincent Vevaud debunking the claim after a meticulous examination. The inconsistencies were glaring: The purported number of records didn't match Europcar's database. Sample data was likely AI-generated, featuring non-existent addresses, mismatched ZIP codes, and bizarre email domains. None of the email addresses were found in Europcar's [...]

Ditching Saturday (and Monday and Friday) post could irrevocably damage the direct mail industry

By |2024-01-24T13:59:39+00:00January 24th, 2024|

The recent news of a potential reduction in the Universal Service Obligation (USO) delivery days by Ofcom has sent ripples through the direct mail industry. A leaked report earlier in the week suggested a move from six to five delivery days per week, effectively removing Saturday deliveries. Then this morning another story suggests that Royal Mail could move to a three-day week! It’s hard to keep up. But whatever, the outcome, the proposed plans will raise questions about the impact on direct mail campaigns. The Significance of Saturdays in Direct Mail Traditionally, Saturday has been a golden day for direct mail campaigns. A weekend delivery often catches recipients in a more relaxed state, leading to better engagement and response rates. [...]

Why Data Hygiene for Councils is Key: Lessons from a Family’s Grieving Experience

By |2024-01-18T12:13:41+00:00January 18th, 2024|

In the wake of a family's distressing experience with Wirral Council, the importance of data hygiene in local council operations has come into sharp focus. Richard Sefton-Durrant's story about his late mother, Jane Durrant, underscores the emotional and administrative challenges posed by outdated or inaccurate data handling by councils. Jane Durrant, who passed away at 63 after a battle with bone cancer, continued to receive council tax bills at her previous address, despite having moved into supported living. This situation persisted even after her death, with her family receiving multiple letters and emails regarding her council tax obligations. This not only caused emotional distress to the family but also highlighted significant flaws in the council's data management systems. The issue [...]

2024: The Year of Do or Die

By |2024-01-08T11:54:55+00:00January 8th, 2024|

As we rang in the New Year the collapse of Communisis marked a less than auspicious start for the industry. Tom Preston-Werner’s famous quote: "You’re either the one that creates the automation or you’re getting automated” has never been more pertinent. In an era where digital transformation is reshaping industries, the direct mail sector, traditionally reticent to change, is now standing at the crossroads of innovation and tradition. The crux of this transformation is automation, a concept that is essential for the future of the industry. Automation in direct mail streamlines processes including sorting, addressing, and packaging. This mechanisation significantly reduces the time and labour involved, translating to lower operational costs and higher efficiency. By minimising manual interventions, automation also [...]

Do I have your undivided attention? Maybe not… but your mail does.

By |2023-12-06T16:48:11+00:00December 6th, 2023|

Nearly two-thirds of people say that direct mail attracts their undivided attention, according to a new report from WARC and Marketreach. Exploring the impact of mail in an attention-scarce world, the study reveals how much attention people are giving their mail across different mail types, the value of this attention, and the role of mail in comparison to other media and within the media mix. The study is based on research by Marketreach and Blue Yonder involving 1,475 pieces of mail. The findings reveal that: 63% of people give their mail their undivided attention The average time spent with direct mail is 108 seconds The average piece of direct mail persuaded 16% of recipients to consider the brand, with 9% [...]

2024: A year for data protection regulation reform?

By |2023-11-27T12:14:35+00:00November 27th, 2023|

Following its airing at the recent King’s Speech the much-discussed Data Protection and Digital Innovation Bill (DPDI) will have its ‘remaining stages’ in the House of Commons on 29 November. There are 21 possible amendments to the Bill all most of which have been referred to as ‘common-sense’ and it is expected to fly through parliament, meaning it is likely to become law early next year. The DMA supports the ratification of the Bill having been heavily involved in shaping many of its elements. Key differences to GDPR include: How personal data is defined Under DPDI information will only be considered as identifiable by a person other than the controller or processor if that other person obtains the information as [...]

Cost of Dirty Data: The £900 Billion Annual Burden on UK Business

By |2023-11-14T10:23:03+00:00November 14th, 2023|

Dirty data is costing the UK economy £900 billion. The impact of unclean data is estimated to stand at 20% of an organisation’s revenue. In 2023 revenue of UK business is thought to total £4.5 trillion meaning that failing to keep customer data up-to-date cost £900bn. In terms of the impact of this on individual businesses, a single ‘inaccurate’ customer record is currently costs an organisation £81.11. Experian research reveals that 22% of customer records within the average database are inaccurate. This means that an organisation with a database comprising 500,000 customer records could be looking at a £811,000 cost to the business. The retail sector was found to have the highest associated cost of unclean data at £300bn, whilst [...]

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