Direct mail effectiveness soars

By |2023-03-23T10:05:54+00:00March 23rd, 2023|

Direct Mail experienced something of a renaissance during the Covid years – lockdown prompted a wide scale love affair with the letterbox. People enjoyed receiving mail, it provided a welcome break from the mundanity of being at home ALL THE TIME! This week, as we mark three years since the first lockdown back in 2020, it seems fitting that the latest figures from JICMAIL reveal that mail’s engagement is still on the rise. Mail open and retention rates both soared by four percent year on year. Over Christmas (Q4 2022) open rates hit 77 per cent and retention grew to 66 percent demonstrating the importance of mail within the marketing mix. At a time of year when consumers are more [...]

Decision Marketing: Direct Mail revival beats rivals

By |2023-01-04T09:28:09+00:00January 4th, 2023|

Martin Rides writes for Decision Marketing about the role of mail moving forward into the new year. You can read the article here or below Brexit, Covid, supply chain chaos, cost of living crisis, economic freefall, postal strikes, train strikes, nurses strikes, economic freefall, worst and longest predicted recession… yep, the country is royally screwed and teetering on a knife edge. There’s no dressing it up, this year has been a shocker and next year is going to be even tougher for the marketing industry. Everyone is battening down the hatches and putting survival plans into place. Yet, there is one small glimmer of light… The resurgence of direct mail as a legitimate and effective marketing channel. If nothing else, [...]


By |2022-12-22T06:15:41+00:00December 22nd, 2022|

New research amongst mailing houses carried out by The Software Bureau reveals a 25 percent automation gap. The survey shows that currently two thirds of mailing houses have automated 50 percent of their processes, however the optimum level of automation is considered to be 75 percent, revealing a 25 percent gap. Only one mailing house in the survey has automated all of its workflow processes. Data automation was found to be highest on the wish list for mailing houses, including postal sortation and cleansing processes, whilst automation of ‘run of the mill’ day-to-day processes was the next highest priority. AI-enabled solutions were revealed to be the area with the most potential, with 70 percent of businesses currently not using AI. [...]

Analytics are only as strong as the underlying data

By |2022-09-16T13:16:01+00:00September 16th, 2022|

Why data hygiene must become a priority post covid According to Fortune Business Insights, the global machine learning and analytics market is expected to grow from $21.17 billion in 2022 to $209.91 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 38.8 percent. Clearly it is big business, and the global impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has served to accelerate demand. Increasingly organisations from all sectors are turning to computers to make decisions from insurers calculating a customer’s risk profile through to airlines looking to work out how much food and drink to carry onboard. Every industry without exception can apply analytics to its data to make faster, more informed decisions. But, and it is a big BUT, analytics and machine learning [...]

Ben Warren Joins The Software Bureau

By |2020-01-23T11:13:36+00:00January 23rd, 2020|

The Software Bureau strengthens its commercial team with the appointment of Ben Warren as Business Development Manager. Ben joins the company with a wealth of experience within the data industry and a passion to help brands in delivering marketing campaigns that not only engage the consumer but have the maximum return on their investment. "As marketing effectiveness is highly dependent on the quality of a brands data, this is a really exciting opportunity for brands to create a seamless and automated process within their data processing infrastructure – complementing and enhancing any incumbent technology." - Ben Warren, Business Development Manager Ben joins the business as The Software Bureau embarks on a phase of significant growth. New disruptive cloud services such [...]

The Software Bureau Annual Benchmark Survey

By |2019-11-20T09:07:55+00:00November 20th, 2019|

The Software Bureau continues to lead the marketplace in data processing, data hygiene, and Mailmark software. Around 150 organisations rely on Cygnus, SwiftSort and GeMMA, and with the release of further Swift products over the previous 12 months including PAF, Dedupe, Cleanse and Match, we have been adding to the broad range of solutions available for our customers. To ensure the business remains acutely focused on those real-world needs of data professionals, The Software Bureau published a benchmark customer survey in October this year. We asked customers to provide feedback about everything from product capabilities, support response times and knowledge, and matters affecting our collective businesses. The results are now in!   How does our customer support team score? Our [...]

Objectif Lune Partner with The Software Bureau

By |2019-07-26T14:06:38+00:00July 26th, 2019|

Objectif Lune announce partnership with The Software Bureau to help organisations improve the speed and efficiency of their communications. The partnership sees Objectif Lune launch ‘TSB Mail Automation’ harnessing the power of the Swift Suite of data processing, data quality and postal sortation solutions from The Software Bureau. Objectif Lune will offer TSB Mail Automation software both standalone and integrated into their market leading product line of communication and mailing management software. “The Software Bureau is well known in the industry as postal automation experts and we are excited to be in partnership with them and add their technology to our portfolio, to extend our capabilities of offering customers true end to end automation.” Matt Irish, European partner manager Compliant [...]

27001 but not just any 27001

By |2019-02-12T16:19:40+00:00February 12th, 2019|

The Software Bureau is pleased to announce the achievement of 27001:2013 certification. The globally recognised standard of information security. The specialist inspection, audit and certification firm SGS were chosen to conduct the certification process due to their reputation for providing the most thorough and stringent audit process which far exceed the minimum requirements for certification. SGS is one of a small number of assessors accredited by the sole national accreditation body United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). Being accredited by UKAS demonstrates SGS’s commitment to hold organisations such as The Software Bureau to not only the minimum UK standards, but to internationally agreed standards too. Clients can take confidence in The Software Bureau’s 27001 credentials are industry leading. “Information security has [...]

6 New Automation Focused Products from The Software Bureau

By |2018-11-06T10:37:26+00:00August 28th, 2018|

The quest to achieve greater efficiencies, cost reductions and removal of compliance vulnerabilities has led data professionals to look for ways to automate their data systems. Modern mail producers, data bureaux and in-house data teams now see fast processing speeds and breadth of functionality as the standard and are turning their attention towards ways to reduce human interaction altogether and opportunities to achieve ‘lights out’ data processing and cleansing. The Software Bureau is adapting to meet these demands and today has unveiled a host of new automation focused products under the ‘Swift’ banner. These new software products make it easy for data teams to automatically process, sort and clean data without manual intervention.   Why Automate Data Processing and Cleansing? [...]

The Software Bureau Annual Benchmark 2018

By |2018-08-22T15:15:43+00:00August 22nd, 2018|

The Software Bureau is the renowned leader in data processing, sortation and Mailmark software. More than 125 organisations rely on Cygnus, SwiftSort and GeMMA as the backbone of their data services function. The business has its roots in the mailing industry where the founders built software for their own data processing needs before branching out to become a software vendor for the rest of the industry. To ensure the business remains acutely focused on those real-world needs of data professionals, The Software Bureau publishes an annual benchmark customer survey. They asked customers to provide feedback about everything from product capabilities, to support response times and industry trends. The results for this year are in! Why Clients Choose The Software Bureau [...]

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