According to new research by Sequel, the appeal of direct mail isn’t just due to nostalgia or a desire for something tangible. Instead, it’s driven by concrete, data-backed advantages that according to the most recent Bellwether make it one of the top performing marketing channels.

The Top Three Advantages of Direct Mail

  1. Quality Audience Targeting Data
    • One of the standout strengths of direct mail is its ability to leverage high-quality audience targeting data. Unlike digital channels that often rely on broad metrics and assumptions, direct mail can be precisely tailored to reach specific demographics, psychographics, and behavioural segments. This precise targeting means that messages are more likely to resonate with recipients, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
  2. Ease of Tracking Attribution and Performance
    • Tracking the performance of direct mail campaigns is easier and more accurate than ever before. With advancements in tracking technologies, including unique QR codes, personalised URLs, and data integration with CRM systems, marketers can clearly see how direct mail contributes to their overall marketing mix. This transparency allows for continuous optimisation of campaigns, ensuring that each piece of mail delivers maximum ROI.
  3. Integration with Digital Campaigns
    • The ability to integrate direct mail with digital campaigns is another key advantage. Direct mail is no longer a standalone effort but a crucial part of omnichannel marketing strategies. By aligning direct mail with online efforts, marketers can create seamless customer journeys that move fluidly from offline to online, boosting engagement and conversion rates across the board.

Affordability: A Changing Landscape

Interestingly, while direct mail offers these compelling benefits, affordability ranks last in Sequel’s list of advantages. Traditionally, direct mail has not been known for having a low cost per acquisition (CPA), with average costs ranging from £80 to £200. However, there’s good news: as people pay more attention to direct mail and more companies use targeted messaging, the CPA has started to come down.

Sequel’s recent findings show that the percentage of respondents with a direct mail CPA of less than £100 has doubled, rising from 29% in 2023 to 66% in 2024. This is a significant shift, indicating that direct mail is becoming more cost-effective as it becomes more precisely targeted and efficient.

The adoption of our Lean DM principles, which focus on streamlining processes, reducing waste, and maximising efficiency can also help brands elevate their CPA.

These principles emphasise data cleanliness, automation, and precision targeting, ensuring that every pound spent on a direct mail campaign is working hard to achieve the desired outcome.

To find out more about Lean DM and how it can help reduce costs while boosting performance, I recommend our comprehensive guide: Lean DM Principles.

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